Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reflection week 4

This week was when are part A on this terms assignment was due.
This just consisted of doing reserch for the website and other websites that are of the same themes of our movie.
I completed my assigments on power pint. but creating a mock website.
The main colours in the website consist of Black and Red.

when handing out assignment in, we had to then put it all together on iWeb.
Just by picking an easy done background, you then add your heading, text backs, and space fillers for your soon to be pictures or trailers.
This is exactly what I did for my website.
Jsut having a plain black background, i used different fonts and places textboxes in places i thought was nessassary. I then finished the website. So i had to go through and edit it, and try different colour and font for the writting and see if it makes a difference.
so i did that, and there actually was a difference. The theme before was kind of unknown, so just by changing the font and size, and positions of the textboxes and space fillers. the website now looks a bit more like a crime theme.
Although there is a lot more work that is needed to be dont.
like, doing all changed to every page on the website.
Continue to look at different fonts to see if there is a better on,
find the pictures that will be on the website, and upload them onto my soon-to-be-wesite.
and lastly check with Mr Andrews for me advice as to what I must do.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Editting Site.

Changing fonts and stuff:

About Us Page:

Original had the font for the Title of Bernard MT Condensed, with the colour Red.
It was changed it Bookamn Old Style, and just by changing it, you could tell that it was no a crime movie. Although the colour did stay the same.
The writing went from font Bernard MT Condensed to font LiSong . Making a huge difference because now it looks like a type writter effect . Even the size of the font make a difference because it wasnt as bold, and it looks more classic.

On my website im going to make it have more unity by making the background colour and front size/colour the same. So by changing the About Us page, I had to change all the others pages. Then when flicking quikly through the website. I saw a difference in the way the theme looked, becuase now it looks more classic and set out. As before it looks too bold, and almore like an information shit rather then a movie site.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Website (Starter)

Font : Bernard MT Condensed
Why: becuase it looks more like a crime/action font.
Background Colour: Black.
Why: Being it will bring out the font colour, and it is relevant to the theme.
Font colour: Red. Being it goes with the name of little red robbing hood.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Two Poster Analysis (Sherlock holmes and the Godfather)

Coulour: The colour that is being used in this poster is more monochromatic, as you see the centre a really light shade of blue, but it then extend out to a darker blue. This helps in getting the theme of the movie (crime) out better becausae of its gloomy look.
Shape: The shapes behing Sherlock Holmes himself, are more gerometic, becuase they are bulids of some sort.
Tone: The tone that is used in this poster is more light on dark. The dark being the human figure, against the backgroup.
Balance: The balance used in this poster is symmetrical. As you have a centre piece. then off to the sides the colours and shaps in the backgroup are basically even.

The poster doesnt seem to tell you anything, from its limited use of words, yet when you look and read. It says the relise date, a quote, the name, and the orignal writter of the book. the feel of the poster is more misty, as it has a a sort of fuzzy look to it.

The website itself is very impressive, as it has this same picture on the front right hand side. With the other main characters in small blocks behind it. The balance of the website works very well. As on the right hand side is the characters, and the left is the trailer, and how to purchase the movie. the colours on the website are very simular to the poster. you could actually say that both are made around each other.

the godfather is a very simple, yet effective poster. using classical colour, black, white and red. Its highlights the fact that is back in the olden days. and making a clear focal point. This being the Godfather himself. It kinda look like its cartoon, but it still makes you feel eerie.
The Website is alot like the poster itself also. a picture that looks as if its taken in the olden days is placed in the back ground behind the movie trailer itself. and with links to be able to buy the movie, it is a very simle website.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Film deconstruction

Dark Night

What type of Colour scheme is used?
The dark colour scheme is used, with a bright white light in the top right hand corner to empathsize the writing that is in BLOOD red, and the person behind it.

How does the colour scheme make you feel?
It makes me feel kinda of uncomfortable. Becuase ther is like dark colours and a light colour together, then you just have this writing that is in blood.

What genre? Why ?
Just from looking at the poster, i would think that it is like Horror or Thriller. Just becuase of the colours together, and that the writing is in blood. and what the font is kind of organic and stuff. And becuase the tone is like fuzzy so you cant really make out the person on the cover.

Is there a clear focal point?
Yes, the blood writing would be the focal point coz its the only obvious colour.

Is the poster effective?
Yes, because it makes you think "Why the hell is there blood coming out of his mouth?" and its kinda dark ..